Robust governance, security and compliance
BetaCarbon adopts robust governance, security and compliance to ensure your investments are protected.
Protected and covered
Assets are segregated by a custodian
BetaCarbon uses a strict custodial relationship to segregate the underlying Australian Carbon Credits.
Protected by Coincover
Your digital assets held by BetaCarbon are protected by Coincover which also deploys theft protection tools.
Secured through expert third party providers
Investor funds are processed independently and held by payments platform Monoova. All investors purchasing Australian Carbon Tokens (BCAU) through BetaCarbon are verified by ID fraud prevention service provider FrankieOne.
Transparent reporting
LNP Audit + Assurance
The custodian arrangements are regularly assured by an independent party, LNP
Audit, to ensure adequate controls and procedures are in place.
BetaCarbon holds a wholesale Australian Financial Services License and is registered with AUSTRAC as a digital currency exchange provider.
BetaCabon has been audited by CertiK to ensure its smart contract is protected against known attack vectors.